
Showing posts from December, 2016

Life Through My Rose-Colored Glasses

           Life, it’s this complicated, all encompassing word. No one really knows what it means or, even how it’s supposed to work. It’s just this word we’re theoretically supposed to transform into a verb but, to live is to what exactly? There are so many different ways you can look at life, through rose-colored glasses, or with a viewpoint that’s tinged less with rose and more with an overwhelming dose of realism. There’s always something you can take away from an experience, you gather insight and experience and then you modify it into some sort of resolution, hopefully one that’s benefiting you in someway, whether it be emotionally or, something a little more material. Life is complicated to say the least but, there are numerous ways in which you can choose to look at it. As you ascend into adulthood you assume a stance, a theme that you exude in the decisions you make about your life. There are many paths you can take but, positi...