To Neil and Robin, With Love

Dear Neil and Robin, I’ve met a bunch of people in my life. Some have become just a memory and others have continued to be a distinct presence in my life. We all know that not everyone is meant to be with you forever. Some people will be used as a lesson, others as a comfort, and even more are just filler bodies meant for only a conversation or small interaction. There are certain people you meet that will completely change your life, the thing that’s exceptional about life is the moment you lay eyes on that person or, that group of people you have no idea of the importance. It’s presented itself as a regular occurrence and yet it means so much more. Most of the people that I cherish in life were not thrust upon me with a flourish, it was more like nudge, they gradually inched their way into an important place in my heart. You guys are exceptional people and in this letter I’m going to tell you why. You’ve experienced tremendous loss in the last 10 months. The loss of your d...