February 15, 2014
I f I’m being honest I dread this day all year. Not because it actually has any meaning to me, it’s sort of just a bookmark; it’s this metaphorical denotation reminding me of the day my entire life changed. Since February 15, 2014 I have not been the same person, that’s not to say I’ve become any less of a person than I was previously it’s just a literal fact. I’m not the same Leah I was 3 years ago; I’ve changed in so many exceptional ways and so have we all. When I say “we” I’m talking about my other family, the one Emaleigh made. Five years ago my best friend made a family and not in the typical way. She took people she saw something in, I don’t know what she saw because we were all so young but she saw qualities that none of us ever even noticed. First there’s George, our activist. George five years ago was not the same person he is today. Back t...