
Showing posts from May, 2018

When Cold Brew Gets You in the Feels

        So I’m back in Bradenton for the weekend at my old “stomping grounds,” per se…Reality (minus the fancy wordage): I’m just in the same Starbucks I used to hang out in when I went to school here. Nina Simone in the headphones got my Cold Brew to the right at a forty-five degree angle from laptop. In my head this prevents condensation from making its way to my laptop but, really I’m just low-key OCD when it comes to the way things are arranged. Productivity is all about you’re environment or, so I hear. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with me. I feel like I’ve been in a funk lately. The beautiful yet tragic effects of social media are the continuous life updates of your friends past and present. So many of them are on this path in life that I could never imagine. Hell, it’s not even what they’re doing it’s that they seem to know where they’re going. If I could just get that into that place my anxiety would dissipate exponentially.    ...